Last Chance for Ebenezer Metal Detector Workshop!

Last chance to sign up for the upcoming workshop on Metal Detecting for Archaeologists to be held at Ebenezer, Georgia, visit this website and hurry, hurry, hurry:

LAMAR Institute
to Host Metal Detector Workshop at Ebenezer

Savannah, October 22, 2016. The LAMAR Institute will host a workshop on Metal Detecting for Archeologists from November 18-20, 2016 at the historic New Ebenezer town site in Rincon, Georgia. The workshop is sponsored by the National Park Service’s National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), the Friends of NCPTT and Connor Consulting. Metal detector applications and use generally have become accepted in historical archeology, but it is clear that few professional and student archeologists have received training in metal detector capabilities or use. This course offers an opportunity for archeologists to become familiar with, and comfortable using metal detector technology on archeological sites. Instructors are professional archeologists, many well-known for their work in using metal detectors on military and domestic sites. The course is designed as a 2.5 day event, with day one being an introduction to metal detectors and metal detecting capabilities, followed by a day and a half of a field practicum where attendees will use various detectors on an actual archeological site expected to contain significant metal artifacts. The workshop is designed to provide attendees with an understanding of how a metal detector works, a familiarity with the various devices available and practical experience collecting data by using a variety of metal detectors in an archeological field situation.The field portion of the training will be held on the site of the New Ebenezer Revolutionary War defenses. For more information and to register for the workshop, visit this webpage:

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