Archive for August, 2019

SnowVision NEH Grant Awarded!
August 18, 2019

Out esteemed colleague and friend Karen Smith emailed me the exciting news of her NEH grant awarded this past week for the SnowVision project. While I am only a tiny cog in this plan, it is a great step forward for Swift Creek research in southeastern North America. Congratulations to Karen and her collaborators!!!

I look forward to working with you on this project, which is:

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Outright: $323,668
[Digital Humanities Advancement Grants]
Project Director: Karen Smith; Song Wang (co-project director); Colin Wilder (co-project
director); Jun Zhou (co-project director)
Project Title: SnowVision: A Machine Learning-Based Image Processing Tool for the
Study of Archaeological Collections
Project Description: The expansion and extension of a set of machine learning-based
tools designed to assist scholars with identifying and classifying artifacts from
archaeological sites based on design motifs.